The product returns and exchanges policy at Vesturebynaz is easy and hassle-free.

  1. Within 15 days, you must return or exchange an item.
  2. There is only the choice of a size swap.
  3. To be eligible for an exchange, you must have a minimum of $10 worth of goods. Only objects of the same size can be exchanged.
  4. Our delivery agent will deliver the new item while also collecting the old one from you.
  5. We respectfully request that you keep the product in its original state, including all tags and packaging. You are welcome to try on a product, but please take reasonable precautions to ensure that it remains in good condition.
  6. Individual products cannot be returned when purchased in a box.
  7. We reserve the right to reject returns that display obvious signs of being worn, cleaned, or soiled for hygiene reasons.
  8. Gift cards cannot be returned. If items are returned, gift wrapping fees will not be refunded. We also won't be able to gift wrap any substitutes you've requested.

There are two options for returning the item to us:

Pick-Up : We have free pick-up service in most places. When you send a return request, you'll see a pickup option.
Self-Ship : If we don't have a pick-up place near you, we ask that you self-ship the product to us. In these cases, we will credit your account with $5 USD to cover the shipping costs.